Bosch Rexroth Indramat

Bosch Rexroth Indramat

Bosch Rexroth has a long history as the result of multiple mergers over a long period of time. Founded in 1958 in Neuwied, Germany, the company Indramat specialized in industrial motion control offering products like servo drives, servo motors and servo controllers for use in various types of manufacturing. In 1965 another German company, known as Rexroth, purchased Indramat and became known as Rexroth Indramat. In 1979 Indramat introduced their AC brushless servo motor, a huge milestone. In 2001, Rexroth Indramat was acquired by Robert Bosch GmbH, and the company name was changed to Bosch Rexroth. Bosch Rexroth is an industry leader when it comes to drive and control technologies with a unique history going back over 200 years. If you’re looking for cutting-edge technology then look no further than Bosch Rexroth.

1M Servo Amplifier Cards 1MB High-Speed Asynchronous Motors 2AD 3-Phase Induction Motors ADC Servomotors ADD Servomotors ADF Main Spindle Motors ADM Synchronous Motors ADP 3-Phase Induction Motors ADS Servo Motors Auxiliary Bleeders BPC Circuit Boards BTA05 Machine Control Boards BTA08 Machine Control Boards BTA10 Machine Control Boards BTA15 Machine Control Boards BTA16 Machine Control Boards BTA20 Machine Control Boards BTC06 Manual Control Units BTM03 Machine Operator Panels BTM04 Machine Operator Panels BTM13 Machine Operator Panels BTM15 Machine Operator Panels BTM16 Machine Operator Panels BTV01 Visualization Terminals BTV04 Miniature Control Panels BTV05 Miniature Control Panels BTV06 Miniature Control Panels BTV15 Visualization Terminals BTV20 Machine Operator Panels BTV30 Machine Control Terminals Cables And Accessories CCD Motion Controllers CDB Control Units CFL Modules CLC Motion Controllers CLM Axis Positioning Control Modules CML IndraControl Hardware CMP Control Units CS Compact Controller Systems CSB Drive Controllers CSH Advanced Controllers CTA Interface Keypads DDC Digital Intelligent Servo Drives DDS Drive Controllers DKC Drive Controllers DKR Drive Controllers DKS Intelligent Digital Servo Drives DM Servo Drives DMA Servo Drive Modules DMD Servo Drives EFC Frequency Converters FCS Frequency Converters FEC Frequency Converters FVCA Frequency Converters HCQ Micro Controls HCS IndraDrive Controllers HCT Multi Axis Drive Controllers HDC DuraDrive Controllers HDD Drive Controllers HDS Drive Controllers HLB Resistor Brake Units HLC Capacitor Modules HLL Bus Chokes HLR Brake Resistors HLT Braking Units HMD Double Axis Drive Controllers HMF Motor Filters HMS Axis Inverters HMV IndraDrive Supply Units HNF Mains Filters HNL Mains Chokes HNS Mains Filter HVE Power Supply Units HVR Power Supply Units HZF Filter Modules IndraDrive MMC Cards KCU IndraDrive Control Systems KDA Spindle Drives KDF Variable Frequency Drives KDS Servo Drive Modules KDV Supply Modules KMS Electronic Drives KNK Mains Filters KSD IndraDrive Mi Motors KSM Motor Integrated Servo Drives KVR Power Supply Modules LTE Servo Amplifiers LTU Servo Amplifiers MAC AC Servo Motors MAD IndraDyn A Motors MAF IndraDyn Asynchronous Motors MCP Linear Motors MCS Linear Motors MDC DC Motors MDD Synchronous Motors MHD Synchronous Motors MHP Synchronous Motors MKD Synchronous Motors MKE Synchronous Motors MLP Synchronous Linear Motors MLS Synchronous Linear Motors MMD Synchronous Motors MOT Low Voltage Induction Motors MRS Synchronous IndraDyn H Motors MRT Synchronous IndraDyn T Motors MS2N Synchronous Servo Motors MS2S Synchronous Servomotors MSD Permanent Magnet Motors MSK IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors MSM IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors MSS Synchronous IndraDyn H Motors MST Synchronous Torque Motors MTC200 CNC Modules MTS Servo Control Modules NAM Power Line Form Modules NFD Mains Filters NFE Mains Filters NTM Power Supply Units NY Linear Drives PPC Controllers PSI Frequency Inverters PST Thyristor Power Units QSK Servo Motors QSY Synchronous Servo Motors R-IB Interface Modules R-IL PROFIBUS Bus Couplers RAC Spindle Drive Controllers RD 500 Drive Controllers RECO Drive Modules RM Profibus Modules RND Three Phase Mains Chokes RZC Chemistry Modules RZE EMC Filters RZF Line Filters RZK Heat Exchangers RZM Motor Filters RZP Option Modules RZR Frequency Converters RZS Sinusoidal Filters RZW Braking Resistors SB System Box Units SD Magnet Motors SE Synchronous Servo Motors SF Servo Motors SG Synchronous Servo Motors SM AC Inverters SOT Operator Panels SPM Inverter Modules SR Synchronous Servo Motors TBM Bleeder Modules TCM Capacitance Modules TDA Main Spindle Controllers TDM Servo Drive Modules TFM Variable Frequency Drives TVD Power Supply Modules TVM Power Supply Modules TVR Power Supply Modules VAK Industrial Keyboards VAM Machine Operator Panels VAU Uninterruptable Power Supplies VCH IndraControl Terminals VCP IndraControl Terminals VDP IndraControl Panels VEH Handheld Terminals VEP Embedded Terminals VM Amplifier Drives VMA Power Modules VPB IndraControl PC Units VPP IndraLogic Terminals VSB Industrial PC Units VSP IndraControl Terminals VT 1600 Servo Amplifiers VT 2000 Proportional Amplifiers VT 3000 Analog Amplifiers VT Servo Amplifiers VT-5000 IO Cards VT-HACD Digital Axis Controllers VT-HMC Digital Axis Controllers VT-HNC Digital Axis Controllers VT-HPC Piston Pump Controllers VT-KRRA Electric Amplifiers VT-MSPA Drives VT-SSPA Plugin Proportional Amplifiers VT-SWMA Modules VT-UK2 Universal Cards VT-VPCD Drives VT-VRPA Electric Amplifiers VT-VSPA Proportional Amplifiers XM21 IndraControl Systems
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