4PPC Power Panels

4PPC Power Panels

B&R Automation’s 4PPC Power Panel C70 Series provides powerful yet compact all-in-one HMI solutions for industrial automation. Available with high-brightness touchscreen sizes from 5.7” to 10.1”, these panels feature a slim, space-saving housing depth for minimal cabinet space requirements. The Power Panel C70 supports interfaces including POWERLINK, Ethernet, USB, and X2X Link for seamless connectivity. Some models offer CAN, RS232, or RS485 as well. With no internal hard disks, fans, or batteries, the units are maintenance-free and suitable for demanding factory conditions. The front face provides IP65 ingress protection against dust and fluids. Programming utilizes B&R’s Automation Studio software suite. Developers can work in IEC languages, Automation Basic, ANSI C, and more. Ready-to-use libraries and templates accelerate HMI development. Delivering rugged, all-in-one HMIs with comprehensive connectivity, the 4PPC Power Panel C70 Series from B&R Automation meets the needs of industrial operators. The compact footprint and high-brightness displays combine with resilient IP65 construction to provide exceptional performance in space-constrained or challenging environments.

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