Product Description
The Bosch Rexroth SD-B4.070.030-00.000 permanent-field servomotor is designed for position and velocity servo loops related applications. This motor portrays high resistance against demagnetization. The product has a brushless tacho. This device has a shaft extension with a keyway and featherkey according to DIN 6885 specifications. The unit is intended to be used for less stringent requirements. Its shaft-to-hub connection features multi-directional tension under load. This motor has no built-in brake or encoder.
The product uses a power plug and a tacho plug for its electrical connection. This device has a type label attached to its housing. The unit is meant to be operated at a temperature of 0 °C to 40 °C. It portrays Class F insulation in accordance with DIN VDE 0530 specifications. This motor has an NTC thermostat in its windings for protection against thermal overload. The product may require a touch guard for touching its surface when it is hot during and immediately after operation. This device encompasses ball bearings at the flange end with a minimum service life of 20,000 hours.
The servomotor portrays an inertia of 5.88 x 10^-3 kgm2 for its rotor including tacho. This unit must be used only with an approved inverter module. It does not support the incorporation of drive elements on the shaft. This motor has live terminals when the rotor is driven because of permanent magnet excitation. The product has plug connectors for connection to the inverter. This device depicts a connection cross-section of 1.5 mm2 for the mating connector. The unit is meant to be connected with only cables approved or provided by the manufacturer.