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  • Rated 4.8 (9 total ratings)
  • Straightforward Pricing: No Rush Fees, No Credit Card Fees
  • MPN: R901108538

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The VT-HNC100-4-3X-P-I-00-000 digital axis controller is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This unit falls in the 1X 10 to 19 component series, a version for 1 hydraulic axis. Bus connection and installation specifications are factory assigned and unique to each unit. This part number represents: VT-HNC100-4-31-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-32-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-33-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-34-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-35-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-36-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-37-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-38-P-I-00-000, VT-HNC100-4-39-P-I-00-000

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Product Description

The Bosch VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000 is a 4-axes digital control. According to the product type code, it supports a Profibus DP bus connection and an incremental/SSI position transducer. Maximum signaling rate supported by the Profibus DP connection is 12 Megabaud. Specifications for the SSI transducer include Gray-code line coding, data width adjustable up to 28 bits, and RS-485 line driver. The digital control does not support synchronization. Programming software for the control is named WIN-PED. Version 7 of the software is required to program the VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000. This programming software is not included in the digital control supply scope. You can order it on CD or download it from www.boschrexroth.com/hnc100. The interface for the programming software is RS-232 serial. Operating voltage for the VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000 is 18 to 30 Volts DC.

Current consumption of the unit at 24 Volts DC is 4 Amps. A 32-bit Power PC processor powers the digital control. The reference voltage per axis electronics is +10 Volts ±25 millivolts. The VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000 assembles on a top hat rail: either TH 35-15 or TH 35-7.5 can be used. The optimal ambient temperature for digital control operation is 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. Unused VT-HNC100 digital controls require -20 to 70 degrees Celsius storage temperature. Protection category of the VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000 is IP20. This means that the unit is not suited to outdoor use, unless it is mounted inside a suitable cabinet. The unit is tested at the Bosch plant and is supplied with default settings. Operators should take appropriate measures to protect the VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000 from electromagnetic interference.  The signal lines should not be led through magnetic fields. Laying of signal line parallel to load lines must be avoided. If possible, signal line should be laid without intermediate terminals. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.

  • VT-HNC100-4-3X/P-I-00/000
  • VTHNC10043XPI00000
  • vt-hnc100-4-3x-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-31-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-32-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-33-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-34-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-35-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-36-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-37-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-38-p-i-00-000
  • vt-hnc100-4-39-p-i-00-000

VT-HNC100-4-3X-P-I-00-000 Technical Specifications

Bus Connection: PROFIBUS DP
Minimum Cycle Time: 2 ms
Position Transducer: Incremental/SSI
Synchronization: Not equipped
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