Product Description
The SD-B3.050.030 permanent-field servomotor from Bosch Rexroth works with an inverter from the same manufacturer in a Servodyn drive system. This motor can be used for all mechanical engineering related applications. The product is designed exclusively for industrial use. This device has a rating plate attached to its housing. The unit has a brushless tacho. It features a single socket for the power and brake connections. This motor portrays an IP 54 protection class in accordance with DIN 40 050 / 40 053 specifications.
The product is one of the several SD series of such motors from the manufacturer. This device can be installed vertically only in IM V3 position. The unit related disk brake cannot be considered as a working brake. Its mating connectors comprise a tacho plug and a power plug. This motor has no special variation. The product is free of any built-in encoder. This device is not intended to be operated outside the specified ambient operating temperature range for rated performance.
The servomotor portrays a current rating of 5.3 A in standstill mode. This unit must be matched with the inverter in terms of the current rating. It encounters axial and radial forces on the output shaft during the operation phase. The product features no temperature related expansion at the driving side because of the fixed bearing. This device should be disconnected from the power supply before any connection is done to it. The unit is not meant to be dismantled by the user. It is prone to damage if it is connected to the wrong inverter.