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DMA 045A 4201-D

  • Rated 4.4 (28 total ratings)
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  • MPN: 1070085633

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The DMA 045A 4201-D from Rexroth Bosch Indramat consists of three-phase drive modules and is a part of the Servodyn-D Series that includes servo motors, asynchronous motors, and other three-phase modules.

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Product Description

The DMA 045A 4201-D drive inverter manufactured by Bosch Rexroth encompasses a gear encoder. This inverter must not be directly connected to a public low-voltage power supply. The device supports connection to high or medium voltage systems through a transformer. The unit may cause radio interference when it operates outside industrial areas. It should be made sure that appropriate countermeasures are adopted to minimize the interference when the inverter is used in residential areas. This product must neither be modified nor retrofit for safety reasons. The device has a height of 521mm. The inverter installation must be done in switch cabinets that adhere to IP 54 protection standards.

The drive inverter must always be stored at a temperature between -25°C and 70°C. The air surrounding the switch cabinet housing the inverter must be free of high levels of metal vapors, salt, lye, acid, dust and corrosive materials. This switch cabinet should feature dust filters at the air exit and entry points. One must check the LED of a short-connected lead when the inverter is turned ON. The product functions with rated data if the installation elevation does not exceed 1,000m above sea level and with derated data if the elevation is between 1,001m and 3,000m.

The product has a climatic category of 3K3 as per EN 60 721 specifications. The device depicts a displacement of 1mm at a frequency range between 2Hz and 13.2Hz. It also features a 715VDC non-regulated DC link voltage. The unit encounters a maximum power loss of 220W inside the switch cabinet. The inverter has a 15g resistance to shock in accordance with DIN IEC 68-2-27 specifications and no functional disturbance. The product exhibits derated performance between 46°C and 55°C. The device is available with a year’s warranty and is shippable anywhere around the globe.

  • Dma 045a 4201-d
  • DMA045A4201-D

DMA 045A 4201-D Technical Specifications

24 VDC current input: 1.32 A
Input Voltage : 670V
Output Voltage: 400V
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