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  • MPN: R911340756

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The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-ET-NN-DA-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS III Master master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Multi-encoder and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-ET-NN-DA-NN-FW advanced control section provided by Bosch Rexroth supports digital/analog I/O extension. This section houses a single Type 2 relay contact with a 30 V voltage load capacity and current carrying capacity ranging between 10 mA and 1000 mA. The product supports use only in its original state. This device handling is done by using relevant lifting equipment and tools correctly. The unit can neither be disconnected nor opened in a pressurized state. Its batteries comprise active chemicals in a solid housing. This section portrays a type plate on its housing. The product depicts only one axis and an extended scope interface.

This device is an essential part of the HCS drive controller from the manufacturer. The unit has one to three analog voltage inputs with a +/-10V voltage rating and up to two current analog inputs with 0 to 20 mA current rating. It has no safety technology. This section allows its control panel to be used as a programming module. The product supports the plugging in of its control panel after the drive controller is turned on. This device installation must be done only in accordance with the instructions in the documentation. The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-ET-NN-DA-NN-FW control section features backup support valid for one year.

This product is largely deployed for drive and control-related tasks. The device cannot be used in a public low-voltage network that supplies power for residential areas. This unit has over 3.5mA leakage current. It has to be secured against direct contact and penetrating foreign objects by means of a closed housing. The section-associated components have to be connected at the grounding points of the equipment grounding conductor before commissioning and switching it on. This product shows signs of unfavorable movements if the associated motor has defective components or malfunctioning encoders and/or sensors. The control section dispatch is possible all over the world.

  • csh02.1b-cc-ec-et-nn-da-nn-fw

CSH02.1B-CC-EC-ET-NN-DA-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS III Master
Primary Interface Option: Multi-encoder
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