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  • MPN: R911319651

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The CSH01.2C-NN-ENS-NNN-CCD-L1-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system is not equipped with a master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.2C-NN-ENS-NNN-CCD-L1-S-NN-FW advanced control section offered by Bosch Rexroth uses a signal level converter for the serial interface conversion from RS 232 standard to RS 485 standard. This product is free of harmful substances like chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCB, asbestos and mercury. The device incorporates electronic components as well as parts made of copper, aluminum and steel. This unit has a design code of 2. It is not meant to be used without the associated drive controller. The section handling including mounting and/or dismounting should be done only by skilled and qualified personnel. This device permits contact to be established with exposed conductive parts only after appropriate discharging.

The section can be touched only after a grounding connection has been established by touching a grounded and conductive object. This unit connection is possible only with the manufacturer-authorized spare parts, cables and accessories. Its drive controller is operated in single-axis plus multiple-axis drive plus control tasks. The product is widely used in packaging, printing, food and paper processing machines. This device’s operation when the maximum temperature is very high is prohibited at all times. The unit is an important part of an electrical drive system. This CSH01.2C-NN-ENS-NNN-CCD-L1-S-NN-FW control section portrays a backup support period of one year.

The product must comply with the document-specified ambient operating conditions. This device results in personnel injury because of improper handling of its pressurized lines and batteries. The unit can function at mains with residual current operated circuit breaker protection that are sensitive to universal current under specific conditions. It tends to move dangerously when the motor has malfunctioning sensors or encoders or has software, firmware, or operator errors. This section commissioning action is possible only after making sure that the working of the emergency stop switch has not been affected in any way. The control section delivery is done by freight partners with a worldwide presence.

  • csh01.2c-nn-ens-nnn-ccd-l1-s-nn-fw

CSH01.2C-NN-ENS-NNN-CCD-L1-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: Not Equipped
Primary Encoder Option: Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
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