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Product Description
The SERVOSTAR SC is an advanced servo amplifier which is intended for advanced control in fast developing industrial field. It encompasses vital aspects which guarantee its optimal performance and capability to be integrated into different control systems. The input signal is a differential voltage of approximately 10V, which is very crucial in controlling the system as well. It likewise incorporates thermal protection features, which commonly use basic thermal devices embedded in the motor's winding such as PTC to avert dangerously unsafe temperatures.
The Tn, Integration time is one of the parts of the selected control loop which is useful in normal alignment of the response of the set to commands from the inputs. The SSI-interface has a serial position output which is absolute and cyclically applicable and this position is sent out in a serial manner making it suitable for high-precision positioning applications. In order to ensure a good signal quality, the supply filter isolates electromagnetic strength from the power supply cables from the system to ensure clean supply to the system. Setpoint ramps are employed in order to restrict the speed setpoint from varying too much too fast, thus, aiding in speeding up and slowing down the operation of the motor smoothly.
Moreover, the SERVOSTAR SC has solid circuitry that can process counts with the internal pulses, which is beneficial especially when high precision is being controlled in position feedback systems. The middle DC bus link is used to feed power to the servo amplifier in form of rectified and smoothed voltage ensuring a reliable and effective operation. Many multipoint fieldbuses supported by the amplifier include CANopen, PROFIBUS and SERCOS and this improves its applicability in any industrial set up.