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The univeral Eurocard VT-UK2-3X/VT13686A/U165 is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This small and lightweight unit operates with +/- 15 V voltage and ~5 mA output current.

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Product Description

The VT-UK2-3X/VT13686A/U165 universal card offered by Bosch Rexroth is utilized for operational amplifiers circuits assembly. The card comes fitted with multiple zero-point potentiometers as well as operational amplifiers. They have an open loop gain when the circuits do not have any feedback. The amplifiers also have a high input impedance between their positive and negative input terminals. This high input impedance lowers the loading of the source with minimum current leakage. The amplifiers feature a finite bandwidth referred to as -3dB point. They implement negative feedback by passing a part of the output signal via an external feedback resistor to its inverting output.

The operational amplifier has an output voltage signal that represents the variation in signals applied to its inputs. Their low impedance outputs are often referred to as common ground terminals. The amplifier is one of the vital components of a measurement and control circuit.  The product has separate pins for positive and negative voltage supplies. The accessory is utilized in various electronic components like voltage buffers, converters, differentiators and more. The unit converts weak signals to strong signals when it is used along with an amplification circuit. This VT-UK2-3X/VT13686A/U165 card has one-year backup support and can be sent to the preferred destination.

The op-amp circuitry is an analog circuit. The product renders high accuracy when used in combination with a suitable feedback network. The accessory experiences a saturation point when its output voltage is more than the supplied power. The unit functions like a feedback component. It has a number of transistors that function together like an amplifier. The amplifier portrays an upper input represented by the minus sign and a lower input associated with the plus sign. The high gain levels of the product in conjunction with negative feedback offer high performance. The product has a zero bias current and zero offset voltage.

  • VTUK23XVT13686AU165
  • VT UK2 3X VT13686A U165
  • vt-uk2-3x/vt13686a/u165

VT-UK2-3X/VT13686A/U165 Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 100 x 160 mm
Operating Voltage: (+/-) 15 V
Output Current: <5 mA
Weight: 0.1 kg
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