Product Description
The DKC01.3-016-7-FW is part of the ECODRIVE series of drive controllers that are used in applications ranging from machine tools, industrial robotics, handling machines, and printing machines. It falls under the DKC01.3 product family. It weighs 4.4 kg and should be installed inside a control cabinet. The ambient conditions are a maximum installation height of 1000 meters above sea level, permissible relative and absolute humidity of 95% and 25g/m3 respectively, and an operating temperature of 0 to 45 degrees. The storage and transport temperature ranges between -30 and 85 degrees. Its degree of protection is IP 20.
The DKC01.3-016-7-FW has a 700 V rated intermediate circuit voltage and 16 A current type. Like other drive controllers, the firmware is ordered separately. The firmware determines the functional features of this drive controller. It presents the most cost-effective solution in all applications across different applications. It offers increased operating safety, adjustable error response, software travel limit switch, and automatic parameter matching. It is ideal for use by experienced and novice engineers thanks to its easy startup operation. The DKC01.3-016-7-FW is used as a servo drive with an analog speed interface and integrated actual position detection and servo drive with an electronic gearbox function. The model DKC01.3-016-7-FW offers RS232/485 and Analog interface along with the DKC01.3-LK-EAK02 option card that integrates Parallel and Stepper interfaces. The RS232/485 and Analog interfaces provides reliable serial communication and continuous signal control for precise data exchange. The Parallel and Stepper interfaces allow multiple bits to be transmitted simultaneously while also delivering accurately timed pulse sequences to control stepper motors.
When used with position control, the DKC01.3-016-7-FW can store up to 32 positioning blocks. The block is executed autonomously. The position control allows the axis to be moved with the jog function during setup operation. When used with stepper interface the steps per rotor rotation vary between 16 and 65536 and the drive-internal referencing that creating a reference dimension is available. It features a one-year warranty. Get it at Wake Industrial at a reduced price.