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The univeral Eurocard VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A002/U161 is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This small and lightweight unit operates with +/- 15 V voltage and ~5 mA output current.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth is a manufacturer of industrial drive control systems and motion control platforms.

The VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A002/U161 is a universal card that comes from the UK-2 series. This model can be used for different useful functions for industrial automation. The universal card can be used to construct various function groups depending on the required application or task. This card allows users to construct regulators, summators, Schmitt triggers, differentiators, and inverters. The basic configuration of this card is provided with 5 zero point potentiometers and 3 operational amplifiers. This universal card is used for assembling operational amplifier circuits and is also equipped with 3 double amplifiers. This model requires only 15 V for standard operation. This model also has a connection type that is compliant with the DIN standards. The DIN 41 462 type 32 pin blade connector is used with this card.

The VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A002/U161 has an output current of less than 5 mA. This model has been designed for all types of working environments and can be used in places where the external air temperatures are between 0 °C and 50 °C. This universal card weighs almost 0.1 kg and its front plate has a height of 128.4 mm. This UK-2 type card has been made compatible with the VT 1600 type Euro Card as well. The card is used for better positioning and control of servo valves without LVDT feedback. The servo amplifier card has superior performance characteristics that are better than a standard PID closed loop. This is possible when the servo amplifier card is integrated with the VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A002/U161. The servo amplifier card is also able to combine PID circuits that further improve its drive control capabilities.

  • VTUK23XESE61A002U161
  • VT UK2 3X ES E61 A002 U161
  • vt-uk2-3x/es-e61-a002/u161

VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A002/U161 Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 100 x 160 mm
Operating Voltage: (+/-) 15 V
Output Current: <5 mA
Weight: 0.1 kg
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