Product Description
The DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 is a series 1 and version 3 amplifier drive controller produced by Rexroth Bosch. Its voltage class is 7, and its firmware must be ordered as a separate entity. The type current of this device is 200 Amperes. Depending on the input voltage of the mains, the Bus DC voltage of the DKC01.3 series is between 300 – 800 volts.
The permissible air inlet and ambient temperature of the DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 at 100 % rated data is within the range +5 to +45 degrees. At reduced output ratings, the maximum permissible air inlet and ambient temperature is +45 to +55 degrees C. Also, the acceptable shipping and storage temperature range of this equipment is -30 … +85 degrees C. The maximum installation altitude for output ratings of the DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 is 1000 meters, while the nominal installation height is 2000 meters. The admissible relative humidity of this model of the DKC01.3 drive controller is 95 %, and its allowable absolute humidity is 25 g/m3. The DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 model features RS232/485 and Analog interfaces, as well as a DKC01.3-LK-EAK02 option card for Parallel and Stepper interfaces. The RS232/485 and Analog interfaces enable serial data exchange over longer distances with error checking and provide multi-bit and voltage-based signals for quick drive control. The Parallel and Stepper interfaces facilitate precise control of stepper motors by sending step and direction signals through the parallel port.
According to EN 50178, the permissible degree of contamination is rated 2. Also, fine dust and condensation are prohibited around this equipment. The protection class of the DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 is IP 20, as per ICE 529-1989 (EN 60529 = DIN VDE 0470-1-1992). The peak-to-peak amplitude and frequency of this model is 0.3 mm at 5 – 57 Hz, with a tolerance of +/- 15 %. It features a selectable switching frequency of 4 or 8 kHz, and its maximum energy dissipation is 60 kWs. At a switching frequency of 4 kHz, the peak current of the DKC01.3-200-7-FW/S100 is 100 Amperes, and at 8 kHz, its peak current rating is 68 Amperes (sine threshold value). This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.