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  • MPN: R911391208

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The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-NN-S5-DA-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS III Master master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Multi-encoder and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-NN-S5-DA-NN-FW advanced control section provided by Bosch Rexroth features the Type B digital probe inputs with a measuring accuracy ranging from -1µs to +1µs. This section portrays overload protection and short circuit protection for its digital outputs. The product is associated with the ohmic time constant of load for the relay contact. This device receives its power supply from the two terminal connectors of the related power section. The unit has a maximum pulse width of 1 ms. Its probe inputs function like fast inputs. This section must have wire ends with a 10mm stripped length when connections are assembled at the connecting points encompassing spring terminals.

The product incorporates a HAT02 control module for conducting an inductive load safely. This section supporting the Safe Motion module has one bicolored LED to highlight the safety technology status and another bicolored LED to represent the connection status. The product storage is intended to be done in conductive packaging. This device can be allowed to make contact with parts and tools only after they have been placed on a conductive support. The unit has to be connected only with cables specified in its documentation. Its digital outputs are not supposed to be operated at low-resistance sources. This CSH02.1B-CC-EC-NN-S5-DA-NN-FW control section depicts backup support valid for one year.

The section is used in food and paper processing machines. This product uses an arbitrary setting for five digital inputs/outputs. The device has two multipurpose analog inputs that can work like either voltage inputs or current inputs. This unit deploys a SERCOS III master interface that has an illuminated green LED when the network connection is available for its communication. It is necessary to take the maximum permitted total current of its digital outputs into consideration when many outputs supply current at a time. The section-related probe inputs have to be controlled by means of bounce-free switching elements.

  • csh02.1b-cc-ec-nn-s5-da-nn-fw

CSH02.1B-CC-EC-NN-S5-DA-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS III Master
Primary Interface Option: Multi-encoder
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