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  • MPN: R911315738

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The CSH01.2C-PB-NNN-NNN-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a PROFIBUS master communication configuration, it is not equipped with a primary encoder option, and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.2C-PB-NNN-NNN-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW Bosch Rexroth advanced control section houses a PROFIBUS optional module at the X30 connecting point. This control section cannot be operated on a standalone basis. The product uses batteries for the operation of its control panel. This device operation is not allowed on its own. The unit is meant to be retained in its original state. It is housed in the manufacturer’s HCS drive controller. This section comprises components that cannot be used in a residential area with a public low-voltage mains supply. The product commissioning action is to be done only after ensuring that the machine in which the installation is done is in compliance with the national regulations of the application.

This device can cause health hazards to people with heart pacemakers as a result of improper use. The unit comprises parts that can conduct dangerous voltage during the operation period. Its PROFIBUS connector has a connectable terminal resistor that is active at the first and last nodes. This section can at no time be operated without the permanent connection of the equipment grounding conductor. The product is supposed to be secured against the penetration of foreign objects. This device along with its drive controller portrays dangerous movements if the connected motor has faulty control. The control section has a year’s Wake Industrial warranty.

This section needs to be cooled down after switching it off before touching it. The unit needs protection against jamming and crushing during its handling and mounting. Its control panel uses batteries with active chemicals in a solid housing. This product has a dedicated type plate with its type designation. The device has no support for a comfort control panel. This unit comprises two current control cycle times. It has a size of 241 x 103 x 49.5 mm. This CSH01.2C-PB-NNN-NNN-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW control section is shipped through reputed freight carriers.

  • csh01.2c-pb-nnn-nnn-ccd-nn-s-nn-fw

CSH01.2C-PB-NNN-NNN-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: PROFIBUS
Primary Encoder Option: Not Equipped
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