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  • MPN: R911316591

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The CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MD1-NN-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS III master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MD1-NN-S-NN-FW advanced control section manufactured by Bosch Rexroth must not be used outside the drive controller. This control section does not implement any safe technology. The product has a line code of 01. The device features a Type 4 analog input with a +/-10V input voltage rating and typical 160 kilo Ohms resistance. Its SERCOS III interface is a standard 8-pin Ethernet interface with RJ 45 connectivity and corresponds to IEEE 802.3 standards.  The unit supports the use of two types of multimedia cards to function as its memory. The section encompasses a standard control panel to assist in its operation.

The product is intended to be connected only with cables provided by the manufacturer. This device is smaller than the power section. The unit can be plugged into or removed from the power section a maximum of 20 times. It tends to get damaged due to inappropriate handling. The section should be handled only by skilled and trained personnel. Its connecting points must never be touched when the power is turned ON. The product is to be allowed to come in contact with exposed conductive parts only after they have been discharged properly. This CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MD1-NN-S-NN-FW section features one-year backup support.

The section has two digital inputs that are connected in parallel to the analog input. The product must be used only in the original state without any hardware modification. The device operation is permitted only in the specified combination and configuration of components. Its installation has to be carried out without any deviation from the related documentation. The unit is fitted in a drive controller and is deployed in machine tools as well as several machines. The section has an ENS optional module at the X4 connector functioning like an IndraDyn / Hiperface / 1Vpp / TTL encoder. This control section is shipped globally through reputed freight carriers with a worldwide presence.

  • CSH01 1C S3 ENS EN2 MD1 NN S NN FW
  • csh01.1c-s3-ens-en2-md1-nn-s-nn-fw

CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MD1-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS III
Primary Encoder Option: Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
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