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The CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-EN2-NNN-NN-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system is not equipped with a master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth offers interactive designs and class-leading technologies in the motion control domain. The company is famous for its power tools, drive controllers, and control sections.

The CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-EN2-NNN-NN-S-NN-FW model has a compact size with physical dimensions of 241mm x 103mm x 49.5mm. The model is a control section and exhibits advanced-level features to provide you with a user-friendly experience. The CSH01.1 control section does not use master communication and uses serial interface RS232 for communication with the other elements of the circuit. The control section comes with dedicated connection points for the digital and analog inputs/output devices. The connection port X2 is dedicated to the optional module of the serial interface. The control unit comes with great compatibility for various optical encoder interfaces, including IndraDyn, Hiperface, 1Vpp, TTL at the connection point X4, and EnDat 2.1, 1Vpp, and TTL at the connection point X8. The CSH01.1 control section features a standard control panel that displays error codes and messages during the operation. The major dimensions of the control unit are 103mm x 241mm x 49.5mm as (depth x height x width).

The model CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-EN2-NNN-NN-S-NN-FW does not have safety technology and must be configured properly by a well-experienced technician. The control unit is safe to be operated in an environment with temperatures above 0 and below +40 degree Celsius without losing any data. The product (CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-EN2-NNN-NN-S-NN-FW) can be delivered to any country you live in. The company offers a short repair time, thus increasing its customer satisfaction rate. The 'FW' in the type code denotes that the firmware should be ordered separately. Connect the control panel interface wire at the connection point H1.

  • csh01.1c-nn-ens-en2-nnn-nn-s-nn-fw

CSH01.1C-NN-ENS-EN2-NNN-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: Not Equipped
Primary Encoder Option: Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
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