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  • MPN: R911382380

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The CSB02.1B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-NN-AW Servo Drive is manufactured by Rexroth Indramat Bosch. This servo drive has a Multi-Ethernet Master Communication, the Encoder Option 1 is Multi-Encoder Interface and the Encoder Option 2 is Not an option.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth manufactures the latest motion control devices including servo motors, drive controllers converters, brake resistors, and control sections. Bosch is globally famous for its customer service and customer care.

The CSB02.1B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-NN-AW model is a basic single-axis control unit engineered by Rexroth Indramat to outwit the automation industry. The model is suitable for a wide range of motion control applications. The CSB02.1 control section uses multi-ethernet master communication for effective data transmission. The supported ethernet interfaces are SERCOS III, EtherCAT, PROFINET IO, EtherNet/IP, Powerlink. The control unit offers extended functionality to its user. The model offers a multi-encoder interface and is compatible with a range of motor encoder systems. The control section is equipped with essential hardware to provide basic safety features. ‘Safe Motion’ technology is provided for the employee's well-being. The CSB02.1 control section is used in a variety of control applications that rely on operational flexibility and performance. The control section allows control characteristic for current, position, and velocity control with a high-resolution. The compact size is an advantage over its competitors.

The model CSB02.1B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-NN-AW incorporates an advanced operating panel with a display that shows error codes and operational stats. The control panel has a memory card slot in which firmware can be stored. The firmware is not included in the package and must be ordered separately. Note that the usage underwater and extremely high temperature is considered inappropriate use. The product (CSB02.1B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-NN-AW) comes under a one-year replacement warranty by the Wake Industrial which voids if the device is not used according to the manner described in the manual. The company has a low repair time and responds it customer queries efficiently.

  • csb02.1b-et-ec-nn-s5-nn-nn-aw

CSB02.1B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-NN-AW Technical Specifications

Encoder Option 1: Multi-Encoder Interface
Encoder Option 2: Not an option
Interface Equipment: Extended Scope
Master Communication: Multi-Ethernet
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