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The univeral Eurocard VT-UK2-3X/VT17115A/U177 is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This small and lightweight unit operates with +/- 15 V voltage and ~5 mA output current.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth offers an extensive selection of productive products that can meet the requirements of any customer, from small businesses to large industrial enterprises. The firm manufactures universal cards, servo drives, and control systems in addition to motors, power supply modules, and drive controllers.

The VT-UK2-3X/VT17115A/U177 model contains five 10-kiloohm potentiometers with zero-point resistance. The potentiometer is a variable resistor with three terminals whose resistance can be manually adjusted to control the flow of electric current. The VT universal card is not intended for use outside of the specified performance limits and operating conditions, including environmental conditions. The card is not intended for use as a component of safety-related controls. Functional safety must be implemented with the addition of suitable components. The card's format is Euro, and its dimensions are 100 mm by 160 mm. The model is suitable for assembling operational amplifiers and must be operated between 0 and +50 degrees Celsius. Depending on the equipment, the model has an output current of < 5 mA and a current requirement of < 80 mA. The VT universal card must be utilized with the accessories specified by the manufacturer and stored between -20 and +70 degrees Celsius.

The model VT-UK2-3X/VT17115A/U177 weighs 0.1 kilograms and is a universal card manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. The universal card requires a voltage supply of ± 15 V and is equipped with the necessary components for exceptional performance. The model (VT-UK2-3X/VT17115A/U177) is evidence of Rexroth's extensive background in applied research and design. There are three dual operational amplifiers in the model. The operational amplifier functions as a filter for the input signal, allowing the desired frequency to be extracted.

  • VTUK23XVT17115AU177
  • VT UK2 3X VT17115A U177
  • vt-uk2-3x/vt17115a/u177

VT-UK2-3X/VT17115A/U177 Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 100 x 160 mm
Operating Voltage: (+/-) 15 V
Output Current: <5 mA
Weight: 0.1 kg
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