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The univeral Eurocard VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A023/U147 is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This small and lightweight unit operates with +/- 15 V voltage and ~5 mA output current.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth is a worldwide manufacturer of components and solutions for motion control. Their product is renowned for its reliability, excellence, and durability.

The VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A023/U147 model is a Eurocard-formatted universal card used for assembling operational amplifier circuits as required. The card contains 3 double operational amplifiers and must be used with the accessories specified by the manufacturer. The VT universal card must be installed and operated by a trained technician in order to avoid any mishap and achieve maximum performance. The model has 5 zero-point potentiometers having a resistance of 10 kiloohms and power consumption of 0.5 W. The card requires an operating voltage of ± 15 V and must be used in the applications specified by the manufacturer. The information provided does not absolve you of the need to conduct your own evaluation and verification. This product is susceptible to a natural process of deterioration and aging, which must be taken into account. The VT universal card has front plate dimensions of 128.4 mm in height, 5.08 mm in width for the connector side, and (3 x 5.08 mm) in width for the component side.

The model VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A023/U147 weighs 0.1 kilograms and must be operated within a temperature range of 0 to +50 degrees Celsius. The model has a < 5 mA of output current and must be stored in a temperature range of -20 to +70 degree centigrade. The model has a 32-pin blade connector for electrical connection according to the DIN 41 612. Wake industrial sells this product (VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A023/U147) and includes a replacement warranty. In the case of a defect or malfunction, it is simple to claim the warranty.

  • VTUK23XESE61A023U147
  • VT UK2 3X ES E61 A023 U147
  • vt-uk2-3x/es-e61-a023/u147

VT-UK2-3X/ES-E61-A023/U147 Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 100 x 160 mm
Operating Voltage: (+/-) 15 V
Output Current: <5 mA
Weight: 0.1 kg
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