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  • MPN: R911330351

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The CSB01.1C-NN-ENS-EN1-NN-S-NN-FW Servo Drive is manufactured by Rexroth Indramat Bosch. This servo drive has a Not Equipped Master Communication, the Encoder Option 1 is IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL and the Encoder Option 2 is HSF/RSF.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth offers efficient and effective control sections and drives converters to its customers. The products are extensively tested before shipping them to consumers.

The CSB01.1C-NN-ENS-EN1-NN-S-NN-FW model is appropriate for both conventional and high-end solutions. The module can be used in temperatures ranging from 0 to +40 degrees Celsius and with a relative humidity of 90%. Tailored control sections with varied features, setups, and control panel choices are available from the company. For different control devices, the CSB01.1 control section includes multi-ethernet master communication. The model is crucial in the automation of industrial applications and requires 8 W of power with a pulse width of 110 milliseconds. Printing machines, food packing,  transportation equipment, and robots are examples of common applications. Before commissioning, the drive controller must be configured to allow the motor to perform the specific duties of an application. The drive controller is designed for single-axis drive and control requirements. Device variants with varying drive power and interfaces are provided to enable application-specific use of the drive controller. The PWM frequency of the CSB01.1 control section can be modified to meet your needs in a range of 2 kHz to 8 kHz increments of 2 kHz. Connect peripheral devices using the available digital input/output.

The model CSB01.1C-NN-ENS-EN1-NN-S-NN-FW provides dependable and economical motion control solutions as well as significant firmware capabilities; however, the firmware must be bought separately. The control portion has three digital outputs and can control current (125 cycle times), speed (250 - 500 cycle times), and position (500 - 1000 cycle times). Contact Wake Industrial to order the control unit (CSB01.1C-NN-ENS-EN1-NN-S-NN-FW) and received at your specified address. The seller provides a one-year warranty on this product, which is invalid if the instructions in the handbook are not followed.

  • csb01.1c-nn-ens-en1-nn-s-nn-fw

CSB01.1C-NN-ENS-EN1-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Configuration Option: Configurable
Encoder Option 1: IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL
Encoder Option 2: HSF/RSF
Master Communication: Not Equipped
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