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The CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW Servo Drive is manufactured by Rexroth Indramat Bosch. This servo drive has a CANopen / DeviceNet Master Communication, the Encoder Option 1 is IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL and the Encoder Option 2 is Encoder Emulation.

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Product Description

The Bosch CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW is a control section for IndraDrive controllers. It does not include a pre-installed safety technology module. Two plug in modules are pre-installed on the device including an encoder emulation module and an encoder IndraDyn module. Other types of plug in modules that can be ordered for control sections include digital I/O extension, analog I/O extension, encoder HSF / RSF and encoder EnDat 2.1. The analog and digital I/O extension modules are used to the enhance the number of integrated I/Os. Safety technology modules that can be ordered include safety lockout, safe motion and safe torque off. The CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW is compatible with a standard control panel. It cannot be used with a comfort control panel. The CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW supports CANopen / DeviceNet master communication. The CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW mounts on a power section.

The input voltage requirement of the CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW is 24 Volts DC. The power consumption of the control section is 8 Watts. The typical inrush current is 4.5 Amps and the maximum pulse width is 110 milliseconds. Optional modules consume additional power that varies from module to module. Accessories for the CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN- FW control section include fiber optical cable connections, signal level converter for the encoder emulation that adjusts the voltage at the output of the optional module to the 5 to 30 Volts DC range, signal level converter for RS-232 / RS-485 that converts the serial interface from RS-232 to RS-485 and a universal adapter for safety technology. Only approved accessories should be used with the control section. Use of substandard and non-approved accessories can lead to equipment damage and degradation in performance. The control section and accessories should be installed by qualified personnel. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.

  • csb01.1c-co-ens-mem-nn-s-nn-fw

CSB01.1C-CO-ENS-MEM-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Configuration Option: Configurable
Encoder Option 1: IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL
Encoder Option 2: Encoder Emulation
Master Communication: CANopen / DeviceNet
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