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  • MPN: R911330197

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The CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW Servo Drive is manufactured by Rexroth Indramat Bosch. This servo drive has a SERCOS III Master Communication, the Encoder Option 1 is IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL and the Encoder Option 2 is Not an option.

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Product Description

Bosch Rexroth is a worldwide organization that offers cost-effective industrial automation systems. Frequency converters, drive controllers, and industrial PCs are used to overcome the problems cost-effectively.

The CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW model is a basic control section designed to operate a single axis at a time. The device is rated for industrial use owing to its high-quality build and latest firmware. The firmware of the module is regularly updated by the company to improve operation and configurations. The CSB01.1 control section uses the SERCOS III interface as a master communication. Option 1 on the control unit is a module for Encoder IndraDyn, Hiperface, 1 Vpp, and TTL. The model comes with dimensions of 103mm x 241mm x 49.5mm to be easily fitted in your application. This model saves a lot of hassle for installation and mounting owing to its easily cooled design. The CSB01.1 control section is designed to be cooled through natural convection. The unit is configurable and requires configuration according to the type of use. The device is incorporated with the starting lockout safety option.

The model CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW comes with a standard control panel. The control panel is equipped with a basic single-line display that allows easy configuration and quick setup. The operation and maintenance are now a delight owing to the dedicated ports and LED display. The control unit should be protected from environmental hazards like dust and water. Use a separate control cabinet for the model (CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW). Wake Industrial is trusted for its commitment to quality and after-sale service. The device incorporates additional features that provide a technical edge. Note that the connection point H1 is for the control panel interface. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.

  • CSB01 1C S3 ENS NNN L1 S K1 FW
  • csb01.1c-s3-ens-nnn-l1-s-k1-fw
  • CSB1.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW

CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-NNN-L1-S-K1-FW Technical Specifications

Configuration Option: Configurable
Encoder Option 1: IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL
Encoder Option 2: Not an option
Master Communication: SERCOS III
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