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The CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-L1-S-NN-FW Servo Drive is manufactured by Rexroth Indramat Bosch. This servo drive has a SERCOS III Master Communication, the Encoder Option 1 is IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL and the Encoder Option 2 is EnDat 2.1/1Vpp/TTl.

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Product Description

Control sections from Rexroth are made with the best manufacturing materials and practices; hence they are safe and reliable. The control section is an important component of the Rexroth IndraDrive controller used for handling and mounting systems, packaging and food machines, printing and paper processing machines, and machine tools. The control section is plugged into the power section of the drive controller for it to function.

The CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-L1-S-NN-FW is a BASIC UNIVERSAL configurable single-axis control section equipped with the Ethernet-based SERCOS III interface, used for cross-communication. It has an encoder evaluation for IndraDyn S motors with a supply voltage of 12 V and another for encoder systems with a power supply of 5 V. It has a single line display standard control panel which has four keys used to set the drive address, set the transmission power and field bus transmission rate of the SERCOS III. The standard control panel is also used to establish the position data reference, access error memory, and start the basic load defaults procedure.

It is equipped with the safety function - Starting Lockout, which inhibits the CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-L1-S-NN-FW from starting without an operator. It is supplied with the terminal connectors 24 V and 0 V at its power section and consumes 8 W of power. It has a protective diode that protects it against incorrect connection and polarity reversal of the supply voltage. It is a protective extra-low voltage system, as seen with its connections and terminals between 5 V and 50 V. A category C3 product, such as this control section type, is not suited for use in low-voltage public distribution systems serving residential areas. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.

  • CSB01 1C S3 ENS EN2 L1 S NN FW
  • csb01.1c-s3-ens-en2-l1-s-nn-fw
  • CSB1.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-L1-S-NN-FW

CSB01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-L1-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Configuration Option: Configurable
Encoder Option 1: IndraDyn/Hiperface/1Vpp/TTL
Encoder Option 2: EnDat 2.1/1Vpp/TTl
Master Communication: SERCOS III
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